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Anker unterkunft


The guest room offers space for 7 people. Three bunk beds and one single bed are available for a restful sleep. A separate bathroom with toilet and shower is on the same floor.


For breaks there is a lounge, the garden or one of the two terraces. Make yourselves at home.


As needed, or if the 7 beds are not enough, the following options for additional accommodation can be explored:

Anker verpflegung


So that our guests can concentrate fully on their project, we take care of the meals. The kitchen is not provided for self-cooking.


We run a vegan kitchen and prepare fresh menus every day from regional and seasonal products. We are happy to take any intolerances into account.


This includes:

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

For those interested: Our cookbook for simple, delicious meals.


Micha has been working as a sound engineer since 1999. Since 2013, he has held a federal certificate of proficiency. As a live engineer, he has worked for around 2500 shows in Switzerland and abroad to date.


In the studio he has supervised numerous productions. His stylistic spectrum ranges from jazz to hardcore. 4 years at Radio SRF as a production and broadcast engineer have opened up yet another perspective.


His many years of experience benefit the entire production. He doesn't just press "record", he helps to give a production the necessary inputs.

Nicole is a photographer with heart and soul. She loves photographing concerts and doing reports on bands or interviews with artists. Weddings and event photography are just as much part of her repertoire as portraits.


At the Musigstöckli, she is responsible for the administration and bookkeeping on the one hand. On the other hand, she prepares the meals for our guests and makes sure that everyone in the house is comfortable.


And every now and then,  we make some noise together.

Anker über uns

Tue Gutes und sprich darüber
Das Musigstöckli unterstützt die folgenden Organisationen:

Seit dem 1. März 2023 betreiben wir das Musigstöckli mit 100% Ökostrom aus erneuerbaren Energien (Sonnen-, Wasser-, Windkraft und Biomasse) mit dem hochwertigsten «naturemade star»-Gütesiegel der BKW.

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Nicole Imhof & Micha Loosli

Kanalweg 1

3432 Lützelflüh


Nicole: +41 79 334 94 74

Micha: +41 78 717 29 13

© 2023 musigstöckli


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